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  • Daniel

Tips for relaxation

Updated: Jun 28, 2019

Mindfulness has certainly become quite the buzzword and now seems to be everywhere from the school classroom to the corporate boardroom. There are countless apps, books and videos. There are also many stigmas or unflattering associations with the concept, and because of this Mindfulness is often dismissed by those most needing it. When you're a busy person you haven't got time for that hippy, sandal wearing yoga tofu malarkey have you?!

So let's re frame it.

You like order from chaos. You appreciate a little quiet. Occasionally you need a break. You may be counting down the days until your long awaited holiday.

“You don't have to love lentils to try mindfulness.”

Well mindfulness is that but for your brain. You can do it anywhere, on your own terms, and it's free.

But it is a skill, and it has to resonate with you. There are a myriad of different ways of doing it, but you have to find those that work for you; and that means trying them and doing them more than once!

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