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  • Daniel

#BPDawarenessmonth and more cpd

One of the requirements of professional registration is for continuing professional development (CPD).

This means that we must engage in further education through talks, lectures, workshops, reading, seminars and so forth that keeps our knowledge and skill set not only up to date, but challenged and diverse.

We have to probve to our registration body that we enageg in this process thus ensuring we are not stale or out of touch.

It's of course very easy to forget this requirement when people have busy work and home lives, moving form one daily challenge to another and so it's easy to lose track.

Nonetheless, this week in recognition of #bpdawarenessmonth, a group of professionals and lived experience people got together for an interesting talk on the state of play with this diagnosis. Through nursing, social work, OT, students and so on, interesting observations and debate was the order of the day. It was an enjoyable session!

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